Possibly the thing I'll miss most, having abandoned London during the Great Plague, is sharing germs with John, Lawry, Simon, Margaret, Carrie and all the respiring fans at the Secret Library. I'll look forward to the special and the murders. Love to you all. Xxxx

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The only reason I can’t make it to these is because if I told my friend who lives in England that I am going to London to see John Finnemore when I haven’t been there to her in three years, for “several reasons”, she might stop being my friend. Excited that I backed up the cards at the very beginning and can’t wait to get them! Thank you for these newsletters, they are scarce but they always make me laugh. Congrats on everything!

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If you're The Airport, will there be a special episode of Cabin Pressure called Finnemore?

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Luci bought 2 tickets to the John Finnemore Souvenir Programme try-out for this evening. Luci's become severely ill but she'd like to give the tickets to someone, please let me know if you'd like them. Geoff

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Oh I am so glad to see you on Substack!

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Excited for the murder! and the new missives via substack!

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