The uncertainty of the frequency lends a pleasingly random element to the joy with which your missives are received. Can we think of you as a fog bound Airport uncertain when the inspirational of the next plane will arrive?

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John Finnemore - ๐˜‘๐˜ฐ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฏ ๐˜๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ! - mentioned me! I feel really quite giddy.

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Thank you! And while since I asked this my friend met a guy, accepted his marriage proposal a week and a half later, and decided that they'll be getting married in August or September (true story), and so I will likely be unavailable to gallivant to London the way I want to, I will check in on here for other opportunities.

(Sorry, I just need to vent about this, I'm happy for her but it's disconcerting, I won't lie.)

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Hannah, here's a crazy thought: Is there any chance you could persuade your friend to have her wedding in the UK? I've heard that Larmer Tree Gardens is a venue for such things. They even have peacocks! And maybe, just maybe, you could persuade Pier Pressure to provide the entertainment. I mean, we know they play funerals, right?

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I have been listening, again, to Cabin Pressure. It is, hands down, my favorite radio sitcom.

Do you plan on writing another radio sitcom? Your characters in Cabin Pressure were so well developed and your writing impeccable, not to mention bringing in such talents as Stephanie Cole, Roger Allam and Benedict Cumberbatch was genius.

Or, at the very least, do a one-time show, letting all the fans know what the characters have been up to. Is Our Jet Now still running? Do Martin and Teresa get married? How is Arthur? Are Carolyn and Herc still together? And what of Douglas? Is he still captain to Herc's co-pilot?

Thanks for all the joy you bring and God bless.

(Although my husband got very tired of me forever playing "yellow car". There are a LOT of yellow cars in Florida!)

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I have always wanted a sequel with Martin and Theresa's wedding in Lichtenstein, with OJS air flying Martins family out. I'm sure it would all go brilliantly!

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Phalanx is wonderful! Thank you for this joyfully eastery thing dear Airport

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This is pretty much completely unrelated to everything you have just written (not to say it wasnโ€™t enjoyable โ€” it was immensely so) to just sort of say a thank you for all the writing youโ€™ve done โ€” it inspired me to do some of my own and now Iโ€™ve made a very silly musical with a friend about a very silly bit of history (not rabbit-based), but not NOT rabbit based) for our own amusement. Technically couldโ€™ve but definitely wouldnโ€™tโ€™ve have done it without you.

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You always bring a spark of joy to my dayโ€ฆ and people are getting increasingly sick of me saying "there is this radio comedy that I listen toโ€ฆ" often followed by one of your many excellently random song choices. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

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I am enjoying these, thank you

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I really like the sound of that "Maybe!" in the Commentary Box.

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hope my yellow mini emoji thing counts, 2 points?? loving the missives, never did do twitter so all good ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Dear Mr Airport,

Please thank your Mr Finnemore for a delightful try out night last night at the Morris Dancing Club. Much fun and many laughs were had.

One thing though (without giving anything away) - there was a potential catchphrase which has already become deeply annoying ie aimed at me, in our household.

Bless you for that, and may the gods be with youโ€ฆ

Kind regards and may your recording of the next JFSP be glorious!

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Luci bought 2 tickets to the John Finnemore Souvenir Programme try-out for this evening in London. Luci's become severely ill but she'd like to give the tickets to someone, please let me know if you'd like them. I've sent a tweet, put a message on a group on Facebook, and a message on Facebook. Luci really really hopes someone can use them. Thanks, Geoff

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Apr 9ยทedited Apr 9

Just saw this article saying John Finnemore will be in a comedy film, Promenade, with Roger Allam! A mini-reunion of sorts. :-) https://www.comedy.co.uk/film/news/7830/promenade-film/

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Please forgive this, my second comment on this post, but I believe it's in the public interest. Viewing the post in the substack app on my phone I could neither enlarge the image in the section about cats, nor reveal its alt text, so I put the issue to one side and got on with enjoying the rabbits. Yesterday I was having another issue with the app, so I dusted off my laptop and used a browser to access substack.com. After sorting out that issue I went back to the cats and managed to enlarge the image by clicking on it - with a mouse. Hooray!

And then, to my additional delight, I could see that the text in the image makes generous use of the long s, which for those who don't know is an old letter s that looks very much like the letter f. I've fairly recently become huge fan of the long s - a paแบœแบœionate แบœupporter, you might แบœay.

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